Just pay me when you’ve got it. I don’t mind waiting

“Yeah no worries, just pay me when you’ve got it. I don’t mind waiting” is listed among an extensive line up of things you’ll never hear from a tradie in a hilarious satirical clip “S#!t Tradies NEVER Say” produced by Tradies National Health Month.

Many tradies, like other small-medium sized business operators, are greatly affected by cash-flow issues caused by not getting paid on time, or in some cases not getting paid at all. This can put enormous pressure on their mental health, self-esteem and spill over into their family life. While this is particularly rampant

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Amendments to Security Of Payments Act now in place

Earlier this week, on 21st April 2014, changes came into effect for the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Amendment (SOPA) Act 2013 (“Amendment Act”).  The amendments will apply to all contracts entered into on or after this date.  The amendments include some of the recommendations made in the Collins Inquiry which looked at depth at insolvency in the NSW construction industry. 

The Master Builders Association of NSW notified it’s members of the key amendments as follows:

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Survival rate in construction industry lower than average


We know the construction sector can be a tough space to work – in both the physical and economic sense.  There’s a lot of risk to any construction business.  So do you love it so much you’ll work for free? That’s the predicament many a contractor and builder face when their client can’t pay the bills.

Recent figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) show that

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