Just pay me when you’ve got it. I don’t mind waiting
“Yeah no worries, just pay me when you’ve got it. I don’t mind waiting” is listed among an extensive line up of things you’ll never hear from a tradie in a hilarious satirical clip “S#!t Tradies NEVER Say” produced by Tradies National Health Month.
Many tradies, like other small-medium sized business operators, are greatly affected by cash-flow issues caused by not getting paid on time, or in some cases not getting paid at all. This can put enormous pressure on their mental health, self-esteem and spill over into their family life. While this is particularly rampant across the construction sector it is something that affects business owners around the world everyday.
“At 46 per cent, the proportion of payments being made on time is detrimental to Australian businesses’ ability to manage their cash flow, pay their expenses in timely fashion, and expand their operations,” said Darin Milner, Director of Risk Management Solutions at Dun & Bradstreet in their March 2014 report.
The Dun & Bradstreet article also reports that during Q4 2013 business invoices across Australia were settled in an average of 53 days, irrespective of a businesses trading terms which were accepted by a client.
In contrast, businesses who use CheckVault are finding that their invoices are settled in an average of 3 days and some in as little as just one business day.
With both mental and physical health at stake, comedian Dave Hughes throws his celebrity weight behind the Tradies National Health Month campaign which launched last week and runs throughout the month of August.
S#!t Tradies NEVER Say is one in a series of funny, light hearted skits produced to draw attention to health and wellbeing issues including physical and mental health faced by tradies.
Some of the other crackers in the clip include: “I reckon this job is way too small to charge for, let’s do this one on the house”; “Mate, can you grab me a wheat-grass shot on the way through, I just need that pick-me-up” and my favourite “How about we grab our partners and all go to Ikea this weekend”.
It’s an ingrained change in culture that they are trying to affect; just like CheckVault is setting about changing the culture of businesses by giving them a new tool to manage their payment (and their stress!). We wish Tradies National Health Month the best of luck with the campaign.
If you never want to utter the words “Yeah no worreis, just pay me when you’ve got it. I don’t mind waiting” log in now or register here to get started with your free CheckVault account and start receiving your invoice payments in 3 days.